Dienstag, 26. August 2008

How to loose 4 pounds in one day !!

Today I finally realized how easy it is to loose weight. Incredible I haven't realized it any sooner !

Do you want to know how !?

Well, I ordered some clothes a while ago and finally got them on Sunday. Of course I tried them on that night. One of the things I got myself was a dark blue pair of jeans and I surely couldn't wait to wear them to work. Which was today.

Well, what should I say: I put them on this morning and they just about fit.

So I went to work and pursued my business. Sometime later in the afternoon I realized how loose those jeans were on me then. I mean I could pull them down without opening the zipper ( surely did not try it in my office this time ;-) ) !!

Amazing, isn't it ! I must have lost about 4 pounds this morning, for it surely has nothing to do with the fact of them being stretch jeans and having just been washed and very tight therefore !!

Ahh, it makes you feel so goooood when you lost some weight... LOL

Freitag, 8. August 2008

Alptraum - Nightmare

Hattest Du je einen Alptraum, in dem Du Dich nackt oder um anständiger zu sein in Unterwäsche in der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert hast ? Nun, bei mir ist er wahr geworden, zumindest halb. Auf dem Weg zur Arbeit hat es angefangen zu regnen und war so windig, dass ich innerhalb von 10 m eine bis zu den Oberschenkeln pitschnasse Hose hatte, von den Schuhen ganz abgesehen.

Schon mal mit nassen Hosen im Büro gesessen ? Ganz tolles Gefühl !! Nachdem ich im ganzen Büro nach einem Fön gesucht und gefragt habe und keiner auftauchte, habe ich meinen Einzelbürobonus ausgespielt: Ich hab die Bürotür von innen zugesperrt, meine Hose ausgezogen und mich ohne meine Hose auf die Arbeit gestürzt ! ;-) Ich fand's irgendwie zum Todlachen.

Glücklicherweise arbeite ich aber in der Tourismusbranche und kam auf die Idee mir bei einem unserer Hotels einen Fön zu besorgen. Hätte ja schlecht den ganzen Tag eingesperrt im Büro verbringen können, oder? ;-)

Did you ever have a night mare in which you run around naked or to be more modest in your undies in public ? Well, it became true for me, halfways at least. On the way to work it started raining and it was so windy that within 30 feet my pants were soaking wet up to my thighs, aside from my shoes.

Ever sat in the office with wet pants ? Great feeling !! After I searched and asked for a blow dryer everywhere and couldn't find one, I used the advantage of having my own office: I locked the office door from inside, took off my pants and started working without it ! ;-) I was laughing so hard.

Luckily I work in the tourism business, so I organized a blow dryer from one of our hotels. Couldn't have stayed locked up in my office all day, could I ? ;-)